Support the EssentialsX project

Want to support the EssentialsX project? There are several ways you can help us out:

Support EssentialsX on Patreon

EssentialsX is developed for free in our spare time. If you'd like what you see, you can support us for as little as $1 per month on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors!

If you'd prefer, you can also make a one-off contribution to EssentialsX on Ko-fi. Any support would be greatly appreciated (especially if your server is profitable!) and would allow us to continue working on and supporting EssentialsX for free.

Contribute on GitHub

EssentialsX is open source, and we welcome PRs from the community on GitHub!

If you want to add a new feature, we ask you to please search existing issues and discussions first to see if someone has requested it yet. If you don't find an existing issue then please open a feature request - we may not merge every proposed PR, and it's better to ask than to jump in and work on a PR that might get rejected.

If you want to fix a bug, similarly please check whether a full detailed bug report has been filled out, and if not then please open a bug report prior to opening your PR. The team or community may be able to help solve your issue, and a detailed bug report with environment details and detailed reproduction steps will make it easier to review and merge any bug fixes.

Translate EssentialsX to your language

EssentialsX ships several community translations, which are organised through our Crowdin project. You can suggest and vote on translations, and also proofread and approve translations if you know a language well.

Help other users out

If you can't help in any of the ways listed above, don't worry! EssentialsX is powered by its community, and you can help other users out in any of our official support channels, including the MOSS Discord server, GitHub and IRC.